News Archives | Superyachts News THE INTERNATIONAL YACHTING MEDIA Thu, 07 Sep 2023 06:41:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 News Archives | Superyachts News 32 32 The adventure goes on stage at the Monaco Yacht Show for an unprecedented experience Wed, 06 Sep 2023 16:32:50 +0000 From September 27 to 30, the show’s Adventure Area will feature an extensive showcase of superyacht tenders, luxurious off-road vehicles, cutting-edge water toys, high-tech gadgets and helicopters to the most remote corners of our planet. The Monaco Yacht Show announces the return of the Adventure Area, a thematic exhibition dedicated to adventure, exploration, and leisure activities with a yacht. This year again, the exhibition will span across two locations within Port Hercule. At Quai Antoine Ier, visitors will find the display of luxury vehicles, tenders, and water toys while Quai Jarlan will display around twenty tenders annually as the second

The post The adventure goes on stage at the Monaco Yacht Show for an unprecedented experience appeared first on Superyachts News.


From September 27 to 30, the show’s Adventure Area will feature an extensive showcase of superyacht tenders, luxurious off-road vehicles, cutting-edge water toys, high-tech gadgets and helicopters to the most remote corners of our planet.

Monaco yacht show avventura

The Monaco Yacht Show announces the return of the Adventure Area, a thematic exhibition dedicated to adventure, exploration, and leisure activities with a yacht.

This year again, the exhibition will span across two locations within Port Hercule. At Quai Antoine Ier, visitors will find the display of luxury vehicles, tenders, and water toys while Quai Jarlan will display around twenty tenders annually as the second site.

As the demand for thrilling adventures and bespoke experiences continues to grow within yachting, the creation of an expanded exhibition encompassing all adventure-related activities aligns with the MYS ambition to offer visitors the full spectrum of yachting experiences.

Today, yacht enthusiasts want to drive all-terrain vehicles at the North Pole, embark on underwater excursions, explore secluded islands via tenders, enjoy la dolce vita in the Med, indulge in personalised tours of historical and cultural sites along the coast, encounter wildlife while preserving their ecosystems, and even engage in scientific research during a charter.

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With the return of the three thematic exhibitions to the MYS this year, namely the Sustainability Hub, the Yacht Design & Innovation Hub and the Adventure Area, the Monaco Yacht Show solidifies its commitment to redefine the yachting experience.

Discover the latest marine gadgets and accessories that will improve your stay on the yacht. An exclusive selection of luxury craft that combine performance and sophistication to experience driving pleasure in an exceptional setting.

The Adventure Area embodies a new era of yachting, where luxury and exploration come together with a more responsible approach to yacht design, creating unforgettable memories and truly relaxing moments.

Immerse yourself in a world of elegance and discover the year’s finest collection of superyachts in the idyllic setting of Port Hercule in Monaco, an iconic Mediterranean venue and the world’s premier boating destination.

The post The adventure goes on stage at the Monaco Yacht Show for an unprecedented experience appeared first on Superyachts News.

]]> 0
Prestige M8: reinventing the motor catamaran Wed, 06 Sep 2023 00:31:00 +0000 PRESTIGE M8: Camillo Garroni does not innovate but, literally, reinvents the motor catamaran. The launch of the new Prestige M8 finally breaks the mold of a market exaggeratedly accustomed to considering motor catamarans as surrogates (without masts) for a multi-hulled sailboat. In this context, Camillo Garroni not only innovates but literally reinvents the motor catamaran, finally giving it its own specific connotation, made of form and substance, effectively creating a new market segment that simply did not exist before. PRESTIGE M8 is a cutting-edge boat that, in 20 meters, manages to give spaces, functions and settings that are typical only

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PRESTIGE M8: Camillo Garroni does not innovate but, literally, reinvents the motor catamaran.

The launch of the new Prestige M8 finally breaks the mold of a market exaggeratedly accustomed to considering motor catamarans as surrogates (without masts) for a multi-hulled sailboat. In this context, Camillo Garroni not only innovates but literally reinvents the motor catamaran, finally giving it its own specific connotation, made of form and substance, effectively creating a new market segment that simply did not exist before.

PRESTIGE M8 is a cutting-edge boat that, in 20 meters, manages to give spaces, functions and settings that are typical only of large motor superyachts. A novelty that we just could not refrain from analyzing in detail.

The new PRESTIGE M8 in detail

It is hard not to be immediately captivated by the new PRESTIGE M8 which, despite her considerable size, flaunts a light sinuous and captivating line, distant light years from the squat and cubic design to which the multihull market had accustomed us in recent years.

The masterful hand of Camillo Garroni skillfully shapes the concave and convex surfaces of this catamaran, which, enhanced by chromatic contrasts, on the one hand celebrate the beauty of these lines, but on the other manage to clothe the new PRESTIGE M8 with a unique design that is certainly destined not to age over time.

But the design of this catamaran does not just impress at first glance, it goes far beyond that, permeating the very soul of this boat, which admirably succeeds in synthesizing form and function into a perfect cocktail, capable of eliminating any barrier between the sea and the craft itself.

A very clear example of this is the main deck, which, thanks to a clever use of windows and reflective surfaces, extends its boundaries far beyond the physical limit of its albeit enormous dimensions, reaching out to conquer the outdoor spaces in a way that is almost imperceptible to the senses. Thus the spaces range from an immense living room, very reminiscent of the style of a Miami waterfront villa, to this huge terrace that gives an unparalleled contact with its surroundings.

From here we descend to the beach area aft where a movable platform of more than four meters, made especially for this boat, comes alive and becomes a precious descent to the sea or, wanting to dream all the way, allows dining at the water’s edge when fully extended.

Going along the side-decks, we finally reach the bow, which, taking advantage of the almost nine meters of beam offered by the PRESTIGE M8, accommodates a simply immense sundeck and another salon capable of accommodating 8/10 guests with a privileged panoramic view.

As many as two staircases lead to the flybridge, which, thanks to its fifty square meters of surface area, gives sufficient (and abundant) space to the external helm station, a table for 8/10 guests, a bar cabinet, sofas and chaises longues.

As mentioned above, it is difficult not to be fascinated by the more than 350 square meters of this boat, although – it seems unbelievable – these dimensions are even more striking in the sleeping area.

It is here that we find the owner’s apartment, a true 30-plus-square-meter suite that takes advantage of the boat’s maximum beam to provide space for a king-size bed, a walk-in closet, and a private four-seat lounge. Equally enormous is the bathroom, which includes two sinks, a shower, and a cleverly separated toilet room.

The other cabins are spread across the two hulls and, depending on which version is chosen, galley up or down, there can be four or five, always with private en suite facilities. The version I definitely prefer is the galley down, which, while making the main deck even more beautiful, also takes advantage of the starboard hull to house the galley and a double cabin that can be dedicated to the captain although, in the bow, two more crew cabins can be accommodated.

In this version, the port hull accommodates two VIP cabins equipped with queen-size beds and larger than usual size.

For large families or owners who like to have the boat always full of guests, there is also a 5-cabin version that certainly optimizes the space dedicated to sleeping even more by bringing the galley to the main deck.

Lastly, there is also a very clever 4-cabin Galley Up version, which allows the port hull to basically accommodate a second Master Cabin, equipped with a private lounge.

The new PRESTIGE M8 is not only wonderful but, to a careful eye, it also proves to be able to satisfy many needs: basically a catamaran built in semi-custom mode… This concept is also confirmed by the choice of the interior designer, Valentina Militerno de Romedis who, again with great mastery, furnishes this boat with exquisite taste, making possible a great choice of materials and colors and, again, allowing the creation of a very custom boat, just as is done with superyachts.

But on the other hand, this PRESTIGE M8 a superyacht in its own right, both in terms of size and the great finishing work that, evidently, the Monfalcone shipyard manages to produce.

Sea Trial

Comfort is the primary concept around which Marc Lombard (another great name) has developed the naval engineering of the two hulls that, as mentioned above, give the new PRESTIGE M8 the ability to navigate almost flawlessly.

At the helm the feeling is of total control, from the flybridge the view sweeps 360° giving a great feeling of safety. I put my hand on the throttles and accelerate slowly, we are not aboard a speedboat, but a great catamaran, a boat that deserves respect.

We cruise, of course, with a stability unmatched by any monohull and, in this case, also in absolute silence, a decidedly wonderful way of boating. At 8 knots we are cruising on velvet and, thanks to the hydrodynamics that only a catamaran makes possible, we consume less than 20 liters per hour, or less than 3 liters per nautical mile! This speed is not only economical but also makes possible a very low level of emissions for a boat of this size.

Even at 10 knots PRESTIGE M8 consumes very little, less than 4 liters per mile, a true record, certainly due to the meticulous work Marc Lombard has done with these two hulls.

The boat navigates in pure displacement mode up to about 10 knots then detaches two parallel wakes, one from each of the two hulls, clears the water and gets up on plane. Between 14 and 16 knots we are going in fast cruise mode, which is useful for escaping bad weather or simply reaching our destination quickly. At these speeds we clearly consume more, about 12 liters per mile, but still far, far less than what a motor monohull would do.

At full throttle PRESTIGE M8 easily reaches 21 knots, a speed we can hold for a limited time, but which can be useful in getting us out of trouble on more than one occasion.

At maximum speed I perform a couple of turns that our catamaran tackles without uncertainty, in complete safety, then through without decelerating the waves caused by a large passing boat. PRESTIGE M8 cuts through the large wave coming forward without the structure joining the two hulls impacting the wave, an excellent feature, quite unique for a catamaran. This quality certainly comes from the star design that Lombard has given to this structure, a real touch of genius.

I slow down and stop, the stability is impressive, PRESTIGE M8 just won’t roll! Spending the nights at anchor will be a five-star experience aboard this yacht.

I engage one throttle forward and another backward, at idle, just to try and see how this CAT evolves, and immediately it begins to turn in place, with absolute precision. Okay I get it, mooring this superyacht is a piece of cake, very comfortable indeed.

PRESTIGE M8 has definitely won me over, in every way.

PRESTIGE M8: Test Data



Consumption l/h


























































Test Conditions: 12 passengers, moderate swell, low wind, water 50%, fuel 80%

Technical Specs

LOA 19.82 m
LH 19.67 m
Max Beam 8.85 m
Draft 1.65 m
Height 8.5 m
Light Displacement 41 120 kg
Full Load Displacement 52 670 kg
Max Speed 20 Kn
Cruising Speed 15 Kn
Fuel Capacity 2 x 1 850 L
Fresh Water Capacity 2 x 425 L
Hot Water Heater Capacity 120 L
Black Water Capacity 240 L
Accommodation 4/5 + 1 equipaggio (std) + 1 equipaggio (opzional)
Category A – 10 / B – 12 / C – 16 / D – 20
Engines VOLVO 2 x D8 – 600 HP – V-Drive
Designers Garroni Design / Marc Lombard
Valentina Militerno De Romedis

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Columbus Atlantique 65 Instant Classic: an innovative and essential flagship Fri, 01 Sep 2023 08:56:31 +0000 A new flagship from Columbus Yachts is ready to ply the seas: Atlantique 65 Instant Classic is the latest 65m addition from the shipyard, a Palumbo Superyachts brand, with sinuous lines and full of innovative contents. It represents a natural evolution of the line, available in four versions of 37m, 43m, 47m and 55m with two 43m models and one 47m model currently in production. Atlantique 65 Instant Classic stems from Columbus Yachts’ desire to seek innovative solutions for its models without ever radically altering them, so as not to detract from the classic beauty that distinguishes all of the

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A new flagship from Columbus Yachts is ready to ply the seas: Atlantique 65 Instant Classic is the latest 65m addition from the shipyard, a Palumbo Superyachts brand, with sinuous lines and full of innovative contents. It represents a natural evolution of the line, available in four versions of 37m, 43m, 47m and 55m with two 43m models and one 47m model currently in production.

Atlantique 65 Instant Classic stems from Columbus Yachts’ desire to seek innovative solutions for its models without ever radically altering them, so as not to detract from the classic beauty that distinguishes all of the brand’s work.

ATLANTIQUE 65 INSTANT CLASSIC 2Innovation is incremental and with the Atlantique 65 Instant Classic the shipyard try to summarize the future of luxury yachting and the values underlying the brand in a single model.

“This new 65-metre is the natural evolution of a range that is giving us so much satisfaction. ” comments Giuseppe Palumbo, founder and CEO of Palumbo Superyachts.“An even more detailed and sinuous exterior design, where the bridges have such a masterfully balanced and light structure to give the impression that they are suspended. Enrico Lumini and the entire Hot Lab team have marked another incredible milestone in the history of the Columbus shipyard.”

Innovation and exterior design

The external volumes are characterized by perfectly coherent, clean lines that run seamlessly from stern to bow, creating smooth, polished, rigorous surfaces. Great attention was paid to the proportions, so that the solids and voids areas are always perfectly balanced, from any angle.

One of the major innovations of the Atlantique 65 Instant Classic concerns the attention paid to the three-dimensional composition of this superyacht: a study that has led not to think from the profile and then somehow to obtain a three-dimensional version, but rather to sculpt an already smooth stone, already proportionate in order to obtain a shape that is always naturally fluid and coherent. Atlantique 65 Instant Classic

The initial ‘rough’ shape is comparable to a marble block that is first polished and then perfected by adding the details that make it unique, like a work of art, and this was also done for the Atlantique 65 Instant Classic.

“The fundamental idea was to create a volume characterized by great linearity and stylistic coherence, without redundancies, without excesses: an elegant and clean look as if stemmed from a sailboat or a 50s sports car. No concessions to stylistic superstructures, but only clean, clear-cut, essential traits. says Enrico Lumini of Hot Lab. “With this primary aim, an innovative yacht by an unexpected appearance was generated, which finds its most radical expression in its extreme dryness and which at the same time shows itself in all its elegance with a style that seems to have always been there before our eyes.”

Atlantique 65 Instant Classic – Interior

The innovations of the new Columbus Yachts’ flagship are not limited to the exteriors, but rather find even better expression in the interior layout.The Pool Terrace is a clear exmaple of this: an infinity pool on a deck that is neither the main deck nor the aft swim platform, but something else. A terrace in fact, raised just enough to allow three small, yet significant, innovations at the same time: the full-height entrance to the aft beach club, almost as if it were a SPA overlooking a garden;

the terrace effect of the pool space, which allows guests to enjoy the best possible view of the surrounding environment;the privacy of the external space on the main deck, which is somehow protected by the volume of the terrace itself, allowing guests to enjoy an openspace that is generallyless used, especially when in a port. Atlantique 65 Instant Classic interior

However, it’s in the bow where we find the best combination between layout and design: the objective of containing the overall height and therefore developing a three-deck closed layout inevitably involves the need to position the helm station on the upper deck and consequently have the owner cabin on the main deck without the classic forward view. It is in fact a semi-duplex cabin, with a first compartment dedicated to an office, walk-in closet and main room, and a more forward second section comprising a bathroom and a raised sitting room.

In this way the cabin enjoys a ceiling higher than 3 metres, infinite skylights, spaces worthy of much larger boats than this Atlantique 65 Instant Classic and even private access to the bow Jacuzzi.

The layout is such to accommodate up to 12 guests in 4 VIP cabins located below deck, the owner cabin on the main deck and a fifth VIP cabin on the upper deck. Additional 10 cabins are assigned to the 16 crew the Captain.

Powered by two MTU 12V4000M63 engines of 1500kW each, the Atlantique 65 Instant Classic has a rated top speed of 17.5knots, while the cruising speed is 14 knots and the range at 11 knots is 5500 miles.

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Feadship Project 822: the mystery is revealed Wed, 30 Aug 2023 23:31:23 +0000 First public appearance for the new Dutch superyacht Feadship Project 822 The new immense 75.50-meter superyachts Feadship Project 822 is about to be completed at the Dutch shipyard that specializes in building huge fully customizable vessels. Spotted in all its entirety and majesty was the hull of Feadship’s latest addition, Project 822, which had not been heard from since September 2021 when the bare metal structure entered the Shipyard for assembly. Since then, Feadship’s secrecy has been exemplary; no one has been able to follow the progress of the work, shrouding this yacht more and more in mystery.  Now, ready

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First public appearance for the new Dutch superyacht Feadship Project 822

cantiere 822

The new immense 75.50-meter superyachts Feadship Project 822 is about to be completed at the Dutch shipyard that specializes in building huge fully customizable vessels.

Spotted in all its entirety and majesty was the hull of Feadship’s latest addition, Project 822, which had not been heard from since September 2021 when the bare metal structure entered the Shipyard for assembly. Since then, Feadship’s secrecy has been exemplary; no one has been able to follow the progress of the work, shrouding this yacht more and more in mystery. 

Now, ready to be tested and launched, Project 822 has emerged from dry dock at the Royal Van Lent shipyard onKaag Island,marking the third major launch of 2023, following the acclaimed 67.4-meter Feadship SIBELLE in March and the impressive 84.2-meter OBSIDIAN unveiled in April. 


Project 822 is scheduled for delivery by the end of the year, and more details will be revealed by the Shipyard itself over the next few weeks at the official launch. The exterior design is by British firm RWD, which also collaborated on the interior design, with Seattle-based interior design firm “Susan Young Interiors.” 

The naval architecture and engineering of the Feadship Project 822 yacht (where 822 is the hull number of the Royal Van Lent) is by the Dutch shipyard’s own De Voogt Naval Architects. The steel and aluminum hull is 75.7 meters long overall and has a beam of 13.6 meters,  the top deck has been mounted and the mast attached, and the boat will also be equipped with two shaftline engines. exit 822

The launch of the hybrid superyacht Obsidian last April has for sure marked the future of the Dutch shipyard, which is pursuing its goal of producing large “carbon neutral” vessels by 2030. 

Feadship, a company specializing in the creation of pure custom supeyachts and recognized as one of the  world leaders in the industry, has been in business since 1949 but has much deeper roots reaching back nearly a century earlier.

With Project 822 another Feadship secret has been partially unvealed. While waiting to hear when this majestic and elegant superyacht will be launched we can appreciate its exterior design and the bespoke customizations that make this shipyard so special. feadship 822

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Polytechno Engineering: Alberto Palazzo, protagonist of safety at sea Mon, 07 Aug 2023 11:51:40 +0000 Safety, especially at sea, should not be underestimated, and in this area Polytechno Engineering works for prevention offering innovative fire-fighting systems that can be used in both the naval nautical and land sectors. But let’s take a step back: for those who don’t know it, Polytechno Engineering is the result of the collaboration of a group of experts from the fields of security, safety, and the nautical and naval industries who have combined experience and expertise to develop cutting-edge firefighting and extinguishing systems. Alberto Palazzo is the company’s sole director and in this article he will tell us about his

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Safety, especially at sea, should not be underestimated, and in this area Polytechno Engineering works for prevention offering innovative fire-fighting systems that can be used in both the naval nautical and land sectors.

But let’s take a step back: for those who don’t know it, Polytechno Engineering is the result of the collaboration of a group of experts from the fields of security, safety, and the nautical and naval industries who have combined experience and expertise to develop cutting-edge firefighting and extinguishing systems.

Alberto Palazzo is the company’s sole director and in this article he will tell us about his vision of safety at sea.

Polytechno Engineering Alberto PalazzoAlberto, where did your passion for safety and fire alarm/extinguishing systems come from?

“I technically come from a different sector, I studied nuclear plant engineering. These were different plants, but they allowed me to learn about all the technologies existing on the market,
because to operate in an atomic power plant I had to study everything, electronics, hydraulics, mechanics, etc.
I found myself in the nautical environment because the two plants are quite similar, again the approach is “multidisciplinary.”

My very strong passion for electronics, which I have nurtured over time, also led me to develop projects at Polytechno Engineering. Our alarm and extinguishing system is of electronic type. With my mentor Dr. Azzolini, we looked for a solution to the problem we had at the beginning: we had the aerosol extinguishing agent but we did not have effective activation systems, so it was more difficult to use it. Today in Polytechno Engineering we have the simplest and most effective system on the market, both in marine and land.

Polytechno Engineering Alberto palazzo

From a sales point of view, we have always tried to broaden and expand into more markets: wind, nautical, industrial (for example, with machines that do complex processing and have very large volumes inside, or in which hazardous materials are stored that can have fire starts). Aerosol does not have any kind of problem with materials, does not interact with anything, is absolutely non-toxic and classified as “sprinkler equivalent,” which is why it can be used in engine rooms but also in wind towers, with photovoltaic panels, etc.

In the specific case of wind towers we also think that it is difficult to find other systems that can be installed at a height of 90 meters, because any gas-based, pressure-based system would be very difficult to install as well as very expensive. All traditional firefighting systems (except for water, which in any case would be very difficult to get to that height, and would have partial effectiveness with this type of fire) are pressure systems, and in the nautical as well as wind tower, similar environments in design,aerosol is really revolutionary and much more versatile.”

What are the factors that could trigger a fire on a boat?

“Problems with the electrical system, fuel spills, the galley, these are generally the situations to watch out for. Added to these is another factor today: lithium batteries. They suffer when they are recharged, partly because the current trend is to have a battery that is always efficient and charged in the shortest possible time.

However, when charging, the lithium battery undergoes a strong crisis moment and obviously if the charging time is shortened, both the currents involved and the temperature increase… well, the lithium battery has this problem: it reaches a certain temperature and then it explodes. Most of the time the explosions are not violent, but the fire starts, and they are not classic fires, they are not extinguished with an extinguishing agent like water, for example, because there are 2 factors to be met: one is to extinguish the fire, and the other is to lower the temperature so that it falls below the critical threshold.”

Polytechno EngineeringHow does the aerosol system help in this case?

“The Aerosol extinguishing agent was discovered accidentally more than 60 years ago, then electronics developed everything needed for activation, there are no more hoses, canisters, nozzles, but only electrical cables, and the best thing is that installation can be done even when the boat is finished, without the need to run cables.

Most batteries have a criticality around 100/104 degrees, when the battery exceeds this temperature the fire starts: first with an explosion, and then the flame starts. When trying to put it out with a fire extinguisher or a traditional system, it maybe extinguishes the flames for a moment, but then they resume right away because the battery temperature is still over the threshold, the flames can reach up to a thousand degrees, and these are difficult conditions to handle.

In the case of boats, for example, if you use water mist, to put these kinds of fires out, it can work as long as the resource is available, but when the water runs out that’s when the fire starts again. CO2 could also be used, but it is deadly and difficult to install.

Polytechno Engineering Aerosol, on the other hand, is very useful for this: it’s normally a solid, it’s composed of two potassium salts, and when it’s activated a vapor comes out of the container, a very fine particulate, it’s the potassium that puts out the fire. When it gets to the flame, it binds to the particles and takes heat away from the fire, the temperature drops, and as long as the mist stays in the room (for three to four hours) the fire cannot start again, giving the lithium battery time to cool down. For boats, this is really a very effective and efficient system.”

How has safety at sea changed in recent years and how much more needs to be done in this area?


“As far as safety at sea is concerned, fortunately the perception of dangers has changed, not yet completely but it has improved a lot, on the one hand because there are more and more stringent obligations and on the other hand because more and more fire (not only in boating but also on land) is recognized as one of the biggest problems.

At sea it is perhaps the biggest problem, improvement can always be done, we should equip boats with fixed fire fighting systems, use fire resistant and/or flame retardant products, (like cables that slow down flames, eliminate construction materials that can burn easily), there is a lot to be done on materials and especially from a regulatory point of view we should put more obligations of fire fighting equipment, but also give help and support for retrofitting, since fire fighting systems can also cost so much. Resolving fire damage costs much more: according to some recent studies, a fire costs 10,000 euros per minute from when it breaks out.

Fire at sea is unfortunately terrible because it leaves no escape. In my opinion there is still a lack of proper training on board, when disasters happen people never know how to react, either they operate systems without knowing them, or they do nothing. Panic often takes over, reducing operational and organizational capacity. This is another reason why an automatic fixed system that would quickly make the correct decision in the event of a fire would be useful.”

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Synteak Group awarded Salvator Mundi prize for corporate sustainability Sat, 05 Aug 2023 14:35:59 +0000 The Trentino-based company Synteak Group, an absolute leader in Italy and Europe in the production of synthetic teak, becomes an example of corporate sustainability. It has in fact gained the SALVATOR MUNDI, an award inspired by the genius of Leonardo da Vinci, which aims to pay tribute to excellence, ethics and values, and encourage brilliant minds to actions of solidarity. Established as part of the ‘Italia in un abbraccio’ project conceived and implemented by the President of IT Difesa, Katia La Rosa, the prestigious awards ceremony took place in the Sala della Regina at the Palazzo Montecitorio, seat of the

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Synteak susteinability The Trentino-based company Synteak Group, an absolute leader in Italy and Europe in the production of synthetic teak, becomes an example of corporate sustainability.

It has in fact gained the SALVATOR MUNDI, an award inspired by the genius of Leonardo da Vinci, which aims to pay tribute to excellence, ethics and values, and encourage brilliant minds to actions of solidarity.

Established as part of the ‘Italia in un abbraccio’ project conceived and implemented by the President of IT Difesa, Katia La Rosa, the prestigious awards ceremony took place in the Sala della Regina at the Palazzo Montecitorio, seat of the Italian Chamber of Deputies.

“As a company we were called to collect the Salvator Mundi award – commented a proud Francesco Martorelli, CEO of Synteak Group – this is an important recognition that we took for the sustainability of our company, as we are the only Company that guarantees a complete recycling of waste materials. An award dedicated to sustainability and attention to the environment.

Synteak susteinability

We continually improve every step of our manufacturing process to offer the market state-of-the-art products.
The customer care quality is a key element for our company and the feedback we have makes us realize that we are on the right track, in short, investing in service quality increases the company’s reputation. Receiving this award is a great satisfaction, it means we are on the right track”.

A pioneer of synthetic teak in Europe, Synteak Group traces its history back to 25 years ago when it began marketing existing products on the market. It rapidly evolved by investing in the research and development of new materials, and has now become the undisputed European leader in synthetic teak.

Synteak susteinabilityThe range of available products is divided into three categories: Plasdeck (synthetic PVC teak); E-DEK (synthetic foam teak); and EcoDeck (synthetic resin tech), aimed at the Superyacht and luxury boat market.

With the “old” natural teak becoming increasingly rare worldwide, these innovative solutions represent the future of this industry, which gains in quality, durability and environmental respect. All this is made possible thanks to materials engineered and studied in detail to increase performance, drying time, durability and even beauty, because after all this also remains an essential aspect: all with complete recycling of waste materials.

” All of our products are recycled – continues Francesco Martorelli – we re-use our waste to make all the components, curbs, special parts, everything we need, and we are studying new equipment to be able to make other products, again with our production waste.

We have been working on this for 6/7 years already, also because ours is a very expensive material, and it is unthinkable to take it to the landfill. So we are working on this very aspect, so in addition to an environmental factor there is also a significant economic return “..

Francesco Martorelli, with his sons Simone and Daniele, awarded by Katia La Rosa

In recent years the awareness of greater environmental protection is gaining more and more prominence in every sector, including, of course, the boating sector where, fortunately, there are now many companies that choose this policy.

“ The market continues to give us confirmation that our products are on the cutting edge and requests from shipyards are constantly increasing – confirms Francesco Martorelli – Even this year we are growing a lot, there are a lot of companies that finally believe in more ecological products and are increasingly looking for sustainability and respect for the environment even with higher costs. Besides of course having a high-end material, because we use only the best ”..

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Monaco Classic Week, over 100 boats expected at Yacht Club de Monaco Mon, 31 Jul 2023 10:19:49 +0000 Monaco Classic Week: over 100 classic boats on display Organized by Yacht Club de Monaco and hosted by the Principality of the same name, the 16th Monaco Classic Week will take place from September 13-16. Launched in 1994, this unique in the world biennial event pays homage to the history of yachting. This year, a photography exhibition will be dedicated to Prince Rainier III to celebrate the centenary of his birth. The event will include regattas, parades, the elegance contest, the chefs competition and the final award ceremony on Saturday 16 September at the Yacht Club de Monaco. Visitors will

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Monaco Classic Week: over 100 classic boats on display

Organized by Yacht Club de Monaco and hosted by the Principality of the same name, the 16th Monaco Classic Week will take place from September 13-16.

Launched in 1994, this unique in the world biennial event pays homage to the history of yachting.

This year, a photography exhibition will be dedicated to Prince Rainier III to celebrate the centenary of his birth. The event will include regattas, parades, the elegance contest, the chefs competition and the final award ceremony on Saturday 16 September at the Yacht Club de Monaco. Visitors will also have the opportunity to admire a fleet of Dinghy 12′, the most classic of sailing dinghies, born in England 110 years ago.

Access to the quays and exhibitors Village is free for the entire duration of the event.


Monaco Classic Week 2023Around 110 classic boats are expected in Monaco from September 13-16 for this 16th Monaco Classic Week-La Belle Classe. A unique and exclusive in the world event which, with the participation of boats by invitation only, pays homage to the international maritime heritage. The meeting brings owners and their crews out on the water for a range of contests with social occasions in the evening in the time-honoured tradition of a certain ‘Art de Vivre la Mer’ so dear to YCM.

The fabulous line-up that will fill the YCM Marina will comprise a dozen period motor-yachts, 50 vintage motorboats, including around 30 Rivas and 3 powerboats from the early 20th century as well as 50 classic sailing yachts and a 20-strong fleet of the clinker-built 3.66 m Dinghy 12’ class, born in 1913 from the pencil of the English designer George Cockshott.


Yacht Club de MonacoAmong those joining Yacht Club de Monaco’s flagship Tuiga (1909) of note will be Maliclaire, a 35m topsail schooner (1909), the three-mast schooner Creole, built in 1927 by the Camper & Nicholsons yard and Atlantic, replica of that famous three mast schooner helmed by the legendary Charlie Barr which left her mark on the history of sailing by setting the first record for a North Atlantic crossing. It was a record that would remain unequalled for 75 years.

This year the public and classic yacht enthusiasts also have the opportunity to see a photography exhibition dedicated to Prince Rainier III as the Principality celebrates the centenary of his birth. Prince Ranieri III, a lover of sailing, was the founder of the Yacht Club de Monaco 70 years ago, today presided over by his son Albert II, the current sovereign prince.

Access to the quays and exhibitors Village (painters, photographers, craftsmen, official YCM Boutique) is free to everyone starting Wednesday 13th September from 10.00am.


TuigaAll the yachts of yesteryear which are still sailing continue to fascinate as they bear witness to a rich cultural heritage from a distant past. Every two years, YCM puts the spotlight on boats that are the pride and joy of their owners and reminders of the long tradition that links the Principality to the sea.

In 1862, the first regattas were already being held in the bay, and by the end of that century Monaco had become a mecca for the international yachting world where the biggest names in finance, industry and entertainment met. The year 1904 also saw the first international powerboat events held in Port Hercule with the emergence of the internal combustion engine.

All the big sailing and motor yachts flocked to be privileged spectators of these meetings. Within a few years, Monaco became the centre of innovation and fashionable water sports.


Atlantic, the replica of the legendary schooner commissioned in 1903 by New York Yacht Club member Wilson Marshall will celebrate her 120th anniversary. The reconstruction project led by Ed Kastelain was an ambitious one. With a deck length of 56m she is the largest racing schooner ever to be rebuilt. In terms of her lines and sail area she is identical to when she won the 1905 Transatlantic Race that ensured her immortality in yachting’s history.

Slender lines accentuate her elegance while the 42m waterline, narrow beam, and masts soaring 45m above the water supporting 1,750m2 of sail, make her breathtakingly fast. A fabulous sight to behold!


Participating in the Monaco Classic Week is not just about results but celebrating a passion, with special prizes to encourage the involvement and commitment of owners to preserve their boats as the true heritage of a timeless maritime culture.

Monaco classic weekThe coveted La Belle Restoration Prize rewards the quality of the restoration these boats have undergone, many of which are well over a hundred years old, judged by a Jury chaired by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and comprising yachting history experts.

Marks are given based on respect for the original plans, materials used in their construction and the knowledge of those who restored them. The Elegance Contest is also judged by the same Jury whose job is to rate the boats on etiquette, style and respect for a certain way of life and conduct at sea, all in a festive fun spirit.

Both these are combined to decide the winner of the Monaco Classic Week Prize that encompasses all the criteria evaluated in terms of restoration and elegance to which is added a coup de cœur (favourite) element for the spirit that prevails on board among the crew, as well as maintenance and restoration.

Living well at sea also means knowing how to combine the pleasures of good food with the joy of sailing. The Chefs Competition is a chance for owners to get their chefs to produce a menu on board their boats within a given time from a basket of mystery ingredients.

The grand finale that concludes Monaco Classic Week is a big parade when participants gather just off the Oceanographic Museum and file one behind the other eastwards towards Larvotto Beach.


Wednesday 13th September
• 10.00am: Opening of Monaco Classic Week Exhibitors Village
• 1.00pm: Warm-up race & 15M IR Encounter
• 3.00pm – 6.00pm: Inspection of yachts by “La Belle Classe Restoration” Jury

Thursday 14h September
• 9.00am – 6.00pm: Inspection of yachts by “La Belle Classe Restoration” Jury
• 9.00am – 10.00am: Chefs Competition (distribution of ingredients on the quays)
• 12 noon: First warning signal for the Dinghy 12’ class
• 12 noon: Start of race for classic sailing yachts – coastal race
• 5.00pm – 7.00pm: Chefs Competition with Moët Hennessy (presentation of dishes on the quay)
• Before the party Prize-giving for Chefs Competition

Friday 15th September
• 9.00am – 6.00pm: Inspection of yachts by “La Belle Classe Restoration” Jury
• 10.00am: First warning signal of a passage race Yacht Club de Monaco – Ventimiglia for the sailing yachts, motor-yachts and powerboats
• 12 noon: First warning signal for the Dinghy 12’ class
• 3.00pm: Start of the return passage race Ventimiglia – Yacht Club de Monaco

Saturday 16th September
•9.00am – 6.00pm: Inspection of yachts by “La Belle Classe Restoration” Jury
• 11.00am: Elegance Parade for classic sailing yachts, motor-yachts and classic powerboats
• 12 noon: First warning signal for the Dinghy 12’ class
• 12 noon: Start of race for classic sailing yachts – coastal race
• 2.00pm: Manoeuvrability Challenge for the classic motorboats
• 4.00pm – 5.00pm: Monaco Classic Week Grand Parade
• 7.00pm: Prize-giving & Closing Cocktail – Lucciana jetty (by invitation)

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CARINTHIA VII : at the Monaco Yacht Show after a fantastic refit Wed, 26 Jul 2023 01:41:00 +0000 The prestigious CARINTHIA VII superyacht, designed by the renowned Tim Heywood, is back in the limelight in the eyes of enthusiasts and professionals in the nautical sector. Indeed, after being sold by Fraser to her new owner, for what has been billed as the industry’s biggest sale in 2022, the impressive vessel has undergone a refined refit at the shipyard of Lürssen in Hamburg, and the result promises to be nothing short of extraordinary. We will have to wait a little longer before we can see it, it will in fact be unveiled for the first time at Monaco Yacht

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The prestigious CARINTHIA VII superyacht, designed by the renowned Tim Heywood, is back in the limelight in the eyes of enthusiasts and professionals in the nautical sector. Indeed, after being sold by Fraser to her new owner, for what has been billed as the industry’s biggest sale in 2022, the impressive vessel has undergone a refined refit at the shipyard of Lürssen in Hamburg, and the result promises to be nothing short of extraordinary.

We will have to wait a little longer before we can see it, it will in fact be unveiled for the first time at Monaco Yacht Show, which will take place from 27 to 30 September: the refit works mainly involved the redesign of the spacious external decks, which now boast new and refined lounge and living areas, further increasing comfort and style. A considerable challenge considering that we are talking about a charter famous for its majesty and an unparalleled level of craftsmanship, engineering and style used in its creation.

Nicknamed “Project Faberge” during her construction phase, CARINTHIA VII literally represents a milestone in the history of Lürssen and in the world of yachting. Her exterior lines, signed by award-winning super yacht exterior designer Tim Heywood , redefined the superyacht concept, profoundly influencing the yachting industry and inspiring a new generation of yachts. Heywood himself stated that many subsequent yachts owe their DNA to the incredible design of CARINTHIA VII.

I am very proud – comments Peter Lürssen , managing partner of Lürssen – After building CARINTHIA VII, we can now see her given a new life thanks to the splendid refit work that has been dedicated to her. She is a very distinctive vessel and is a testament to the solidity of German engineering and manufacturing”.

CARINTHIA VII was built in 2002 for Heidi Horten , the widow of department store owner Helmut Horten, and for almost two decades it remained a hidden gem: access to its luxurious interior was only allowed to a privileged few. However, with its recent entry on the charter market, represented exclusively by Fraser, this extraordinary jewel is finally accessible to a wider audience, guaranteeing unforgettable experiences on board one of the most exclusive yachts in the world.

When we talk to customers – explains Mark Duncan , Fraser Director of Business Development & Marketing – it’s fascinating to hear what aspects of their experience they bring with them. For some it is the crew, the food, the accessories and the places they have visited. For others, however, the magic is the yacht itself: the layouts, the design, the space and its characteristics. CARINTHIA VII will be part of many stories of unforgettable moments of those who decide to reserve this exceptional experience.”

But what more could you ask from a Superyacht? Completely built in steel, it can accommodate 14 people in 8 luxurious cabins . An incredible amount of light that enters through her large windows allows to illuminate her refined interiors which naturally include a forward-facing owner’s suite with separate deck area, complete with office. One VIP stateroom is located on the owner’s deck, complete with a beauty salon, while the other six are located on the main deck.

There is also a hammam , a sauna , a steam shower , a refined fitness room and the new 12-metre (39-foot) long swimming pool , all elements that add a note of luxurious relaxation and well-being. It is also equipped with a “touch-and-go” helipad in the bow and a garage for two 8.80-metre tenders and all that is needed for leisure on the water.

An imposing superyacht that naturally needs the support of a large crew, and in fact can accommodate up to 37 crew members, with accommodation divided over two decks, which allows them to move discreetly.

Bringing any yacht to the charter market for the first time is always a joy and a challenge – says Daniela de Marco , Fraser Head of Charter Management, Europe – It’s like starting with a blank sheet of paper, creating a completely new program on experience with the best charter captains and crew, adopting the latest technologies and accessories on the market and creating with the clients some new personalized and exciting itineraries. It is truly a privilege and a pleasure that we look forward to offering our customers“.

CARINTHIA VII is more than just a yacht, it is an unparalleled creation destined to conquer the luxury charter market. A story that continues over time and that manages to surpass itself every time, leaving an indelible mark on the nautical industry and on the most refined travel experiences in the world.

CARINTHIA VII : technical specifications

Overall length 97.2m / 318’9” 
Overall width 15.95m / 52’3”
Construction site/refit Lürssen
Year of construction/year of refit 2002 / 2023
External designs Tim Heywood
Refit design Bizzozero Cassina Architects 
Charter management Fraser
Full speed  25 knots
Class DNV-GL
Guests 14
Cabins 8
Crew 37

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Team Italia Marine: a new beginning in the Rolls-Royce group Tue, 25 Jul 2023 07:45:44 +0000 The Team Italia and Onyx Marine group, leader in solutions for the integration of bridges and naval automation , is now ready to open the national borders and aim to conquer the entire international yachting segment thanks to the entry of the Rolls-Royce technology group. Already strong and well present in the Italian market, Team Italia Marine , the new name chosen for the company expansion, now has the power to bring its products outside Italy , thanks to the collaboration already experienced with the Rolls-Royce Power System Business Unit starting from 2019. This union has brought excellent results of

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The Team Italia and Onyx Marine group, leader in solutions for the integration of bridges and naval automation , is now ready to open the national borders and aim to conquer the entire international yachting segment thanks to the entry of the Rolls-Royce technology group.

Already strong and well present in the Italian market, Team Italia Marine , the new name chosen for the company expansion, now has the power to bring its products outside Italy , thanks to the collaboration already experienced with the Rolls-Royce Power System Business Unit starting from 2019. This union has brought excellent results of joint developments , such as to agree that the best way to realize further great growth was to join forces , where Rolls-Royce will be able to dedicate itself to NavCom integration and full automation of dashboards.

“The acquisition is a logical step on our journey to become an integrated solutions provider to the yacht industry.” says Denise Kurtulus, Vice President Marine of Rolls-Royce’s Power Systems business unit.Our products complement each other perfectly and with this step we significantly expand our portfolio of solutions to enhance our market position and create further benefits for our customers.”Team Italia products

The offer of Rolls-Royce is now able to offer state-of-the-art integrated bridges , as well as an mtu propulsion system, regulation, control, automation and navigation systems for yachts, which goes well with the values ​​and the goals of Team Italia , as he also points out Daniele Ceccanti, Team Italia Technical Director : “By joining forces with Rolls-Royce Power Systems, our company takes another step forward in making the increasingly complex systems that will equip the yachts of the future simpler and safer.”

There is also a lot of enthusiasm on the part of the German giant leader in engine construction and avant-garde engineering for the start of this collaboration: “The Team Italia Group has demonstrated its outstanding capabilities, not only in system design and integration, but also in software programming and in the successful and continuous development of its dashboards and integrated platforms,” said Clemens Berger, President Mobile Power Solutions at Rolls-Royce Power Systems . “These cutting-edge technologies and capabilities fit perfectly into our vision for the mtu NautIQ marine automation portfolio. Together with Team Italia we extend our systems expertise to serve our marine customers with a holistic portfolio. Additionally, we strengthen our leadership positions, diversify our offerings, explore new markets and achieve profitable growth.”

Team Italia , so far known and highly appreciated on the national market, has created since its foundation in 2000 a solid foundation to prepare for internationalization and the next phase of growth that awaits them. Team Italia now benefits from Rolls-Royce Power System ‘s worldwide distribution network which allows access to global markets and yacht builders globally.

Denise Kurtulus, Clemens Berger, Massimo Minnella and Daniele Ceccanti.

“We are proud and happy to join the Rolls-Royce group” says Massimo Minnella, Managing Director of Team Italia .We strongly believe that to implement a structured expansion and maintain the high level of continuity and growth that will secure the future of our company, we need an excellent partner and marine industry expert like Rolls-Royce Power Systems at our side and we are excited about this as we see excellent prospects for reaping the benefits together in the global luxury yacht market.”

The company will continue to operate in the cities of Fano, Livorno and Forlì , remaining the trusted partner of its customers by continuing to follow them in Italy under the name of Team Italia Marine, and instead, in markets outside the national borders, Rolls-Royce will market the systems under the name of mtu NautIQ . With a share of more than 300 yachts worldwide, the systems have been fitted to boats in Italy and abroad, regardless of the propulsion engine supplied, and “this will also happen for the future” reported Nicola Camuffo, Head of Rolls-Royce’s mtu Yacht Competence Center.

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Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2023: the sustainable future of boating Mon, 03 Jul 2023 08:25:28 +0000 From July 5-8, the wonderful setting of the Principality of Monaco will host the 10th edition of the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge: an increasingly important event that brings together professionals and students from around the world to explore innovative and sustainable solutions in the boating industry. 46 teams from as many as 25 countries will take part in the 10th edition of the event organized by the Yacht Club de Monaco, a record-breaking number representing a wide range of participants, including 31 renowned universities, world-renowned shipyards and cutting-edge technology companies. With the support of the Prince Albert II of Monaco

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From July 5-8, the wonderful setting of the Principality of Monaco will host the 10th edition of the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge: an increasingly important event that brings together professionals and students from around the world to explore innovative and sustainable solutions in the boating industry.

46 teams from as many as 25 countries will take part in the 10th edition of the event organized by the Yacht Club de Monaco, a record-breaking number representing a wide range of participants, including 31 renowned universities, world-renowned shipyards and cutting-edge technology companies.

Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2023

With the support of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, as well as Credit Suisse, Bmw and Sbm Offshore, the event offers a unique opportunity for key players in the boating industry to present their latest innovations and promote the adoption of alternative energy sources.

The goal remains to stimulate creativity to design eco-friendly propulsion systems and share the experiences and knowledge acquired – says Bernard d’Alessandri, General Secretary of the Yacht Club de Monaco.

Indeed, the theme revolving around the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2023 is precisely to stimulate creativity and foster the design of environmentally friendly propulsion systems. The event provides an ideal platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge between professionals and engineering students, creating a unique synergy that promotes collaboration and innovation.

Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2023Actually, the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge started on Thursday 15th June with the first Live Career Day, which allowed participants to make contacts and network with industry professionals. On that occasion, major companies such as Palumbo SY Refit, Comarbel, Vita Power, Sealence, and SBM Offshore presented their companies and job offers to potential applicants. The recruiters highlighted the importance of curiosity and passion, in addition to technical skills, in the selection of candidates.

Evidence of curiosity is a key quality when applying to us, as well as being convinced of the role electric propulsion can play in the future for yachting“, says Leonard David, CEO of Comarbel. “We need a high skill level but also personalities who are not afraid of a challenge and enjoy working as a team,” adds Eleonora d’Ermo from Palumbo SY Refit.

See the job offers available at the Energy Boat Challenge

In addition to job offers, the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2023 will also be an innovative showcase to present the latest advances in greener energy solutions. For example, renowned Italian shipyard Sanlorenzo has developed a 10m long hydrogen-powered foiling boat which will be used for the next America’s Cup.

Indeed, hydrogen will be at the heart of the 4th Roundtable (Friday 7th July) organized by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, Mission for Energy Transition and YCM. Hydrogen is at the heart of the 10th edition with seven teams using this energy source this year.

New this year is the SeaLab set up in the YCM Marina where visitors can see avant-garde projects, prototypes and demonstrators, including non-CE certificated boats competing in the Open Sea Class like the Hydro Motion Team, a Dutch boat from TU Delft University who are intent on beating the endurance records.

Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2023

Another innovative aspect of the event is the Monaco E-Boat Rally. Organized in partnership with Aqua superPower, it gathers a record number of electric powered boats on the market to demonstrate their potential the yachting context. Participants have come from all over Europe such as Evoy & Performance Marine (Norway), Xshore & Candela (Sweden), Lasai (Spain), Hydro Impulse (Austria), Comarbel (France), VAMP Marine (Holland), EDYN (Slovenia), Lanéva (Monaco), Vita (United Kingdom) and the Italians of Sealance with El-Iseo from the Ferretti Group.

Also new this year is the first E-Dock, a pontoon equipped with AC (Alternative Current) and DC (Direct Current) chargers capable of recharging 20+ boats at the same time with a fast reliable supply.

As part of the collective ‘Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting’ approach, the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge continues to assert its position as a key player in the environmental transition. Its contribution in fostering innovation and pushing the maritime industry toward a cleaner and more eco-friendly future, is concrete proof that the future is already here.

All that remains is to wait for the show to finally begin.

Read the full programme

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